Quiz...Quiz...Quiz...Take your chances...

Here's my very own quiz where you even get a reward if you get all the questions right.. You just choose the right answers and hit the mail button....I'll check them and if they're right I'll send you a cool Joshua pic.. So don't forget to fill in your e-mail adress.... Good Luck...

Let's get ready to rumble...

How old is Joshua?
19    20    21

What's his favorite food?
Italian    Mexican    French    

What was the name of his character in the Mighty Ducks movies?
Eddy    Johnny    Charlie

Is Josh right or left handed?
right    left

Where does he have a birthmark?
Belly button    Leg    Arm

Well that's it...pretty easy ehj? ... So now fill in the rest and if you got it right you'll get the cute pic...



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Last updated: 24/08/99